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Showing posts from July, 2021

Beneficiaries of July 2021

  The beneficiaries of this month are as follows: Kumari Jasmin Jena , a girl child suffering from Thalassemia, was given Rs 2,000 along with a packet of ration and sweets.  Mr. Lenka Gouda , a middle-aged person suffering from partial paralysis, was given Rs 2 ,0 00 along with a packet of ration and sweets. Mrs. Rohini Nahak , a widow, and a physically challenged old woman without any children were given Rs 2 ,000 along with a packet of ration and sweets. Mr. Susanta Kumar Behera , a young man suffering from Neurofibroma, was admitted to SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar, and was given Rs 10,000 .  Kumar Jagadish Gouda , a child suffering from a tumor currently taking treatment at AIIMS, New Delhi was given Rs 10,000 .  The ration and sweets were donated by Mr. A Beda Prakash Gupta.  We reached three beneficiaries directly. However, we could not reach Mr. Susanta and Kumar Jagdish physically. Therefore, we transferred Rs 10,000 each of them electronically.  The contact details: 1. Mr. Sus

A thought...

Dear brothers and sisters, A thank you letter Care Foundation thanks its members for their contributions that have brought smiles to the face of the beneficiaries.  So far, we have reached a lot of people who were in dire need of money. We know that money cannot solve their problems, but it helps them overcome one of their key issues.  We have a few beneficiaries whom we reach every month as they struggle financially due to their prolonged disease. However, we will stop it once their health or financial conditions improves.  We will try to reach maximum people in this journey to salvation.  A matter of concern The family of Care Foundation has expanded exponentially in a short period. However, the main concern is that all of our members are not active contributors.  The minimum amount is Rs 100. In other words, it is just Rs 3.33 per day, less than the price of a cup of tea. So, we need the right mindset and nothing else.  Our contributions are like bloodstreams that must flow continuo

Beneficiaries for May 2021

  Dear brothers and sisters, First, we are extremely sorry for the delay in the data updations for May 2021. It happened as the person responsible for data updations was ill.  The list of beneficiaries for May 2021 is as follows: Kumari Jasmin Jena (Regular), a child affected by Thalassemia, residing at Jilunda, was given Rs 2,000.  Mr. Santosh Sethi (Regular), a middle-aged partially paralyzed person with extreme poverty residing at Mill Street, Polasara, was given Rs 2,300 along with a packet of rice. Mr. Lenka Gouda, a middle-aged partially paralyzed person with no work and the only bread earner in the family, was given Rs 2,000. Next, we reached a family from Rajasthan residing temporarily at Buguda. They were wanderers without food and shelter. We gave them Rs 1,200 only, (Rs 350 cash plus a packet of rice and a ration of Rs 850). We did not think it right to award them with cash.  Kumari Monalisa Jalli, a nine-year-old girl child who lost her leg due to cancer and was undergoing

Beneficiaries for June 2021

  June-2021 ବାଲ୍ୟକାଳୁ ଧନ ଧର୍ମ ମୁଁ ଅର୍ଜିବି                        ଏ ଜୀବନ ଅନିଶ୍ଚିତ, କେଜାଣି କାହାର ଆଜି ମୃତ୍ୟୁକାଳ                        ହୋଇଯିବ ଉପସ୍ଥିତ  । ପ୍ରିୟ ସହଯୋଗୀ ବନ୍ଧୁ  , ଆପଣଙ୍କ ସହଯୋଗରେ Care Foundation ତାର ମହତ୍ ଉଦ୍ଦେଶ୍ୟକୁ ସୂଚାରୁରୂପେ ସଂପାଦନ କରୁଛି  । ଜୁନ ମାସ ଆମପାଇଁ ଅତି ଆହ୍ବାନ ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ଥିଲା।କରୋନାର ଦ୍ବିତୀୟ ଲହର ସାରା ଦେଶକୁ ଦୋହଲାଇ ଦେଇଥିଲା। Care Foundation ର ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠାତା ଆମର ପ୍ରିୟ ରବିନାରାୟଣ ହୋତା ସାର୍ ମଧ୍ୟ କରୋନା ସମୁଖରେ ସଂଘର୍ଷ କରିଥିଲେ  । ଆପଣମାନଙ୍କ ସାହାଯ୍ୟ,ଭଲପାଇବା ଏବଂ ଭଗବାନଙ୍କ ଆଶିଷ ତାଙ୍କୁ ନୁଆଁ ଜୀବନ ଦେଲା। ତେଣୁ ଜୁନ୍ ମାସରେ Care Foundation ର କାର୍ଯ୍ୟଧାରାରେ ବିଳମ୍ବ ଦୃଷ୍ଟିଗୋଚର ହୋଇଥିଲା। ଜୁନ୍ ମାସର ସହାୟତା ରାଶି ବଣ୍ଟନ ନିମନ୍ତେ 02.07.2021 ଦିନ Core Committee ର ପ୍ରଥମ ବୈଠକ ବସିଥିଲା। ପୂର୍ବରୁ ପୋଷ୍ୟ ରୁପେ ଗ୍ରହଣ କରାଯାଇଥିବା ତିନି ଜଣ ହିତାଧିକାରୀଙ୍କୁ 03.07.2021 ଦିନ ଦୁଇ ହଜାର ଲେଖାଏଁ ସହାୟତା ରାଶି ପ୍ରଦାନ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ସ୍ଥିର କରାଗଲା ଏବଂ 04.07.2021ର ଦ୍ବିତୀୟ ବୈଠକରେ ପୁଣି ଦୁଇ ଜଣ ହିତାଧିକାରୀଙ୍କୁ ଚିହ୍ନଟ କରି ସେଦିନ ଅପରାହ୍ନରେ ହିଁ ସହାୟତା ରାଶି ବଣ୍ଟନ ପାଇଁ ଧାର୍ଯ୍ୟ କରାଯାଇ ଥିଲା।ଏହିପରି ଭାବେ ଜୁନ୍ ମାସରେ ମୋଟ ପାଞ୍ଚ ଜଣ ହିତାଧିକାରୀଙ୍କୁ ସ୍ଥିର କରାଗଲା। ହିତାଧିକାର