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Rules and Regulations

We abide by the following rules and regulations formulated and implemented by ourselves.


  1. The minimum contribution amount is Rs 100 per month. However, there is no cap on the maximum amount.
  2. The contribution amount is not fixed. You can change it from time to time. 
  3. We will appreciate your effort if you can contribute each month. 
  4. The contribution starts from the 1st day of the month to the last day of the month each month. In other words, you can contribute on any day during the month.
  5. We receive contributions digitally. You can pay using GooglePay, PhonePe, BHIM, & other UPI apps or transfer the contribution amount directly from your bank's mobile app or website.
  6. Once payment is made, you need to share the payment receipt with the Care Foundation's WhatsApp group, where the Transaction ID, Date of Transaction, your name, and amount of contribution is visible. 
  7. Anyone who does not have any digital payment option or faces difficulties can take other members' help to transact on his or her behalf.
  8. During the first week of the following month, we will share a complete contribution report in the WhatsApp group. Each member should check the details of their transaction, and report immediately to the group or group admin if they find any errors. 
  9. The amount collected during a month is rounded down to the lowest thousand and distributed to the beneficiaries. 
  10. Any surplus balance over the minimum balance is carried forward to the next payout. 
  11. Only the Members of the Care Foundation can contribute. 
  12. Collection of money in the name of Care Foundation is strictly prohibited. It is a criminal offense and results in the suspension of membership and legal action.


  1. Care Foundation is a closed group. Thus, anyone can become a member by invitation only. 
  2. The only criteria to be a part of the Care Foundation is to have a burning desire to help others.
  3. The persons who have active political or criminal backgrounds are not allowed to become a member.
  4. A member of the Care Foundation can leave the group anytime without citing any reason. 
  5. Members are required to behave generously as the group members include people from different regions, religions, caste, creed, age, gender, income, economic, and social backgrounds.
  6. The group members should not judge a person by his contribution amount. The Care Foundation needs small contributions made straight from the heart.  
  7. The Core Committee can terminate the membership of a person on the ground of misconduct or violation of rules and regulations. 
  8. Repetitive posting of irrelevant messages or obscene comments in the WhatsApp group can also cause a temporary or permanent suspension of the membership as per the decision of the Core Committee. 

Beneficiary Selection and Payout

  1. The members of the Care Foundation can propose the names of beneficiaries according to the following selection criteria.
    1. People who are suffering from long term illness or critical illness 
    2. Senior citizens who are living alone in poverty
    3. Orphan children who are living without any support
    4. Widows who are living in destitute
    5. Physically challenged people who are living without any income or support
    6. People who are living in extreme poverty
  2. First, the Core Committee will prepare a provisional list and then choose the beneficiaries after spot verification. 
  3. The Core Committee of the Care Foundation will be the final authority to prepare the final beneficiary list.
  4. In case of any dispute on selecting beneficiaries, the Core Committee's decision will be final.
  5. The beneficiaries must not be the family members or close relatives of our group members
  6. The members can suggest the names of the beneficiaries. 
  7. Any member cannot force the Core Committee to donate to a particular person.
  8. Care Foundation will upload all the related data to its website and its WhatsApp group. 
  9. Care Foundation will not upload data to any social media. However, it will not be held responsible if any member uploads it to social media. 
  10. The benefits will be in the form of cash only.
  11. There should not be a fixed number of beneficiaries in a particular month. It can be a single person or multiple persons depending on the amount collected and their needs. 
  12. The Core Committee will share the beneficiaries' names, addresses, time, and route maps in the group one day before the payout day. 
  13. The vehicle expenses to reach the beneficiaries will be borne by the members themselves. 
  14. It depends on the wish of a member to join the group on the payout day. Thus, no one can force other members for the same. 

Role of Designated Persons

  1. The designations of the president, vice-president, secretary, joint-secretary, and treasurer are statutory. 
  2. The Core Committee can modify the rules and regulations of the Foundation from time to time. 
  3. The role of the Core Committee includes the following:
    1. To supervise all the activities of the foundation
    2. To inspect and finalize the beneficiaries 
    3. To take immediate steps in case of any emergency when a physical or online meeting is not feasible
    4. To withdraw money from the bank and pay it out to the beneficiaries
    5. To modify the rules and regulations as per the requirement
  4. The bank account is operated by the president, secretary, and treasurer. Any two of the above three persons can withdraw money to pay the beneficiaries.
  5. The real power is vested among its members, and they can remove a Core Committee Member in case of any litigation proved against him.
  6. In a physical meeting, the president will preside, and the secretary will conduct the session. 


  1. First day to the last day of each month: Contribution Period
  2. 1st week of the following month: Data Uploading, Selecting The Beneficiaries, and Cash Withdrawal
  3. 2nd Week of the following month: Beneficiary Pay-Out

Final Thought

The rules and regulations have been designed to protect the interest of the Care Foundation and its sustainability. The Core Committee can change it from time to time. 

Jai Hind.


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