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A thought...

Dear brothers and sisters,

A thank you letter

Care Foundation thanks its members for their contributions that have brought smiles to the face of the beneficiaries. 

So far, we have reached a lot of people who were in dire need of money. We know that money cannot solve their problems, but it helps them overcome one of their key issues. 

We have a few beneficiaries whom we reach every month as they struggle financially due to their prolonged disease. However, we will stop it once their health or financial conditions improves. 

We will try to reach maximum people in this journey to salvation. 

A matter of concern

The family of Care Foundation has expanded exponentially in a short period. However, the main concern is that all of our members are not active contributors. 

The minimum amount is Rs 100. In other words, it is just Rs 3.33 per day, less than the price of a cup of tea. So, we need the right mindset and nothing else. 

Our contributions are like bloodstreams that must flow continuously for the survival of the foundation. 

However, it is a matter of choice. No one can force us to donate. It is our inner engineering, our attitude, and how we care about others. 

There is a famous proverb that says, "What goes around comes around." It means whatever we do to others, we will get in return. It is a universal law and can not be falsified. 

The Pandemic

Coronavirus has impacted negatively on our physical, social, emotional, and financial lives. However, most of us are safe and secure. 

We need to be compassionate in this critical time to the problems of others. 

Our extended hands can create magic in the lives of others. Those people who have lost their jobs, have lost their family members, or have acquired long-term illness need our urgent attention. 

As we are not concentrated in one region, we can find such people across India and reach them in no time. 

Serving people is serving God. It is not just a proverb. Care Foundation gives us a platform to live on it. 

Let's build our mother earth a beautiful place to live in by joining our hands together. 

Jai Hind.


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