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Beneficiaries of August 2021

Dear all,

In August, we reached seven families in total. Four of them were our regular beneficiaries, and three were new. The names of these beneficiaries and their details are as follows.

  1. Mr. Lenka Gouda who is suffering from partial paralysis is recovering fast and may need assistance for a few months. He is a middle-aged person and the only earning member of the family. We reached him and handed over Rs 1,000.00. 
  2. Mr. Santosh Sethi who is also suffering from partial paralysis is recovering fast and may need assistance for a few months. His family shifted to Surat to find work. Therefore, we transferred him Rs 1,000.00 electronically. 
  3. Miss Jasmin Jena is a primary school student who is suffering from Thalassemia and needs regular blood. She is traveling to Berhampur, around 60 Kilometres from her native place, to take blood infusion. Her father has passed away, and the entire responsibility is on her mother. We reached her and handed over Rs 1,000.00. 
  4. Mrs. Rohini Nahak is an old woman widow, no children, and is living in extreme poverty. She is living in a dilapidated house. However, we discovered her last month. This month we have handed over her Rs 500.00 only.
  5. Mr. Ali Krishna Satapathy is a poor old man who is suffering from Cancer. His treatment is going on at AIIMS, Bhubaneswar. As we could not reach him, we transferred him Rs 1,000.00 electronically. 
  6. Mr. Santosh Kumar Patra is a middle-aged poor man who is suffering from Cancer. He is the only bread-earned member of his family and is unemployed due to the disease. Further, three children and his wife is dependent on him. We reached him and handed over Rs 1,000.00. 
  7. Master Pradyumn Parida is a child suffering from testes Cancer. His father has sold his land, home, jewelry, etc. to provide better treatment to the child. We cannot describe the pain and the sufferings the family is going through. Thus, we allotted the maximum amount to the child and handed over Rs 15,000.00. 

Care Foundation thanks all of its members for their generous contribution. May God bless all of you with a healthy, happy, and prosperous life. 

Jai Hind



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