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The First Meeting


On the 10th January 2021, a small number of people gathered at Balukeswar Shiva Temple, N. Gopinathpur, Polasara, for a noble cause.

Their mission was to help the needy people of society. It sounds simple, but a few people have ever stepped out. They decided to help those people who are deprived of some basic needs. 

In this 21st century, it may look like something absurd or uncommon. However, it is true. Even today, a large section of society does not have access to some basic needs like food, clothing, and shelter. 

The Care Foundation has just stepped out for those people. It knows that it will be a difficult path, but the members are determined to support them through small contributions. 

They named the group "Care Foundation." A foundation that will be recognized as a group of caring and compassionate people who are ready to sacrifice their time, money, and energy towards a noble cause. 

The Care Foundation believes in sustainable development because it is always better to teach someone fishing than give him a fish to eat. 

However, it is in its nascent stage, and for sustainable development of the low section, it needs a massive amount of money. Thus, it may not happen tomorrow, but soon it will be a reality.

The members of the Care Foundation are from different regions, religions, caste, income, etc. However, they have united as ONE to work selflessly for the cause. It shows the presence of humanity and unity in diversity. 


The following people had attended the first meeting to formulate a few rules and regulations for the Care Foundation's smooth operation.

  1. Radha madhab Pradhan
  2. Balakrushna Padhi
  3. Bhagaban Gouda
  4. Balaram Gouda
  5. Santanu Swain
  6. Siba prasad Choudhury
  7. Gopal Behera
  8. Balaram Behera
  9. Arjun Mishra
  10. Prasanta kumar Hotta
  11. Bhagaban Sahu
  12. Rajat kumar Sahu
  13. Antarjyami Rauta
  14. Surya narayan Prusty

They formulated the rules and regulations orally. However, the Care Foundation updated the final rules and regulations digitally, and you can access it by clicking here.

The Care Foundation welcomes everyone who has a burning desire to help others selflessly. 

Jai Hind.


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